Every group must establish strict guidelines in order to succeed. When beginning any activity or project which requires the exercise of authority, friend, it is vital to exercise power firmly and evenly. This may cause problems at first, but it is the only way to create a stable situation from which positive results can emanate. Dissatisfaction soon vanishes and things start to go well, particularly if kindness remains a part of your "mask" of authority. Remember, friend, that training or leading others requires that you yourself embody integrity and consistency.
Another aspect of this particular reading has to do with not spoiling children. Structure your family sensibly and all will be well. Within either a family or a team, you owe it to those for whom you are responsible to respond appropriately to their egos (including temper tantrums and other emotional demands) with inner calm. If you are lenient with a child who marks on the furniture one time, can you blame the child for doing it the next? If you have spoiled someone by yielding to childish demands, you are faced sooner or later with having to reform the errant rascal -- not an easy task.